SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESOne touching moment on Sunday during the lunch break… We were on our way back to our seats and just before getting into the stadium, there was a cute little family over to the side by themselves – a husband, wife and little boy, maybe 2 years old. They seemed a little shy, but the little boy was insistent on reaching out to give us a bookmark. So, we went over to them to get his bookmark and meet them.

Of course, like most of the local delegates, they didn’t know English – and we didn’t know Spanish – so we tried to fumble along with our greetings.

Suddenly, the sister started telling me something in Spanish. As I was trying to think how to explain again that “mi no entiendo” – I don’t understand – I caught some words she was saying: “…siempre en mi corazón…” and realized I did understand what she was saying. She said “ will always be in my heart!” Well, I said, “si, mi comprendo… I understand.” And started crying and hugging her. It was such a heartwarming moment – and her husband then said, in perfect English, “We love you very much.”

I was still crying when I got back to my seat. We were so touched by that little family. But, really it was representative of the love of all the Ecuadorian brothers we met.


Police Escort
A Girl Named Jemima
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