Around Town

Here’s a few photos driving around the city of Quito. It’s a large city of over 2 million inhabitants. There’s an old section called Old Quito, which we had toured the last time we were in Quito, with beautiful old Spanish architecture. And there’s the modern section and the business district. Neighborhoods all had small markets nearby, and it wasn’t hard to find a bakery, pharmacy and clinic within a few blocks of any neighborhood in the city.

We went to one of the huge modern malls, the Quicentro Mall. The malls in Quito seemed bigger and more modern than any we had been to in the US. We ate at a nice restaurant called Crepes and Waffles.

This is the local supermarket a few blocks from the Cisneros home. I was fascinated by the variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, which I got in trouble from security for taking this photo. Don’t know why. Maybe they thought I was a grocery spy.

Street vendors approach while you’re stopped at the intersections. I did buy some of the little pears.


Traffic in Quito is pretty bad, as in most large cities. Most people don’t own cars; they take taxis or buses. Or walk.

Most of the brothers walk to the meetings, in service, everywhere. The children walk to school. It helps that everything you need is basically nearby in each neighborhood.

Karina owns a car, so she was able to drive us to the convention one day. The video shows a little of the back streets she took to get us there in about 15 minutes.

You’ll see a clip of the city buses, which are packed like sardines, standing room only. You take your chances riding the buses because they are a haven for pickpockets.

This is the little store directly next door to the Cisneros home. We stopped in daily for bottled water (.35/each) and sometimes ice cream.

Cisneros Home

The Cisneros home is in the center where the four brown doors are. All the homes in Quito have high walls around them and locked doors because of the crime. They built 3 apartments in the back of their home and a large 3 story apartment to the right.


This is the intercom for their home and the 3 apartments in the back. You must buzz to have them unlock and let you in. Of course most of the witnessing in Quito is done through the intercoms.


Besides the high walls around all the homes and businesses, you notice many walls even have electric fence or even embedded broken glass as a deterrent to climbing the walls.

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